All fees are due at time of service.
Fees for Dr. Sawhill's expertise, knowledge and time are nonrefundable.
Dr. Sawhill does not bill insurance.
Coaching appointments are not considered medical visits.
Dr. Sawhill may recommend specific laboratories for advanced testing. The lab fees are due at time of service, paid directly to the laboratory.
Dr. Sawhill uses FullScript and WellEvate, online platforms to have the highest quality supplements available shipped directly to you. If there is ever an issue with a product, please address all returns directly with the company that sold it.
Dr. Sawhill has researched products for benefits, effectiveness and assured quality for you. She may recommend specific forms of a supplement and/or special formulations, a specific brand based on standards of quality and cost.
Dr. Sawhill is not responsible for any substitutions made by the client or any other individual or health provider.
P.O. Box 25722, Portland, OR, 97298
Copyright © 2002 - 2024
Dr. Kathy Sawhill, Kathryn Sawhil, N.D.
All content. All Rights Reserved.
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